This for me personally is some very exciting stuff. For those of you who don't know, which would probably be most of you who don't hear me rant on about her on a regular basis, S is the name of Jenn Ghetto's project. Jenn Ghetto was once a focal member of a band called Carissa's Wierd from Seattle, whose members notably consisted of Mat Brooke (Grand Archives), Ben Bridwell (Band Of Horses) and Sera Cahoone. If you have never checked them out I would say most definitely do so. I have the discography and would be more than happy to share it with anyone who is interested. My excitement for this new album exists not for an obvious reason (a new record coming out from one of my favorite artists) but more so for another reason. Jenn Ghetto hasn't released new material since 2004! This is as almost as exciting to me as if Elliott Smith were to rise from the grave and release a new album. Since the latter isn't possible, I am just going to enjoy the new S album. Fortunately for me I found the album leaked on one of my trustworthy music sites. Being that she is one of my favorite artists though, I will be purchasing the CD as well. I just can't wait 3 more weeks to hear it! Also one last exciting tid bit regarding the artists I have been talking about throughout this blog post. Carissa's Wierd is re-releasing 3 of their albums as well as getting together for a reunion show in Seattle this July! I will most certainly be there. Unfortunately the chances of Band Of Horses megastar Ben Bridwell having anything to do with this show is unrealistic at best. At least I'll be there in July to witness what truly does take place firsthand.
Nice dadday.