This was my view from the show. Not too shabby!!

Then this past Sunday myself, Christine, Ryan and Mutt went to see The New Pornographers with The Dodos and The Dutchess and The Duke in Columbus. This was also tons of fun. We spent the day in Columbus, hung out with Christine's parents for a bit, ate Cane's Chicken (which later caused some serious Cane Mutiny's) and did whatever until the show. There were however some interesting occurrences on the Columbus venture.
We stopped for gas in I think it was Quaker City, OH. While we were there Mutt and Ryan took a smoke break at least 10 feet away from the gas pumps in the grass. Some dude in the parking lot starts yelling over at us saying "Are you guys crazy? You can't be smoking at a gas station you are going to blow all of us up!" He persisted and tried to teach us a life lesson of sorts although all he was doing was displaying his paranoia. Ryan asked him to explain the ash tray even closer to the gas pumps then where they had been smoking and to that he had no answer. The next interesting occurrence took place while we were driving in downtown Columbus. Christine was mistakenly in a turn only lane, but didn't know it and went straight through an intersection. The guy behind us wildly beeped his horn etc. Christine proceeds to flick the guy off. At the next light, the guy gets out of his car, approaches ours, and says very calmly "you know that was a turn only lane back there, and if I would have hit you it would've been your fault." What made him feel the need to get out of his car walk up to ours and say that I'll never know. People really confuse me sometimes.
That was the past two weekends. This week and next will be largely chill and that's a good thing since the 4th of July Christine and I depart for Seattle. Can't wait! On completely unrelated notes there are some new albums I am highly anticipating that come out the next few months.
1. Admiral Radley - I Heart California (July 1stish I believe haha)
2. Kathryn Calder - Are You My Mother? (August 10th)
3. Arcade Fire - Suburbs (August 3rd)
here some new tracks here: