Cleveland hasn't had anything going on either, and I know it's just a product of two things. One is the fact that no band wants to deal with the weather here this time of the year. Second, most bands I listen to don't release new music in the winter it seems. I just miss going to shows in such a bad way. That use to be by far my favorite thing to do. Just traveling to see some music. It just hasn't happened in awhile and it's a bit depressing for sure. Maybe it's the fact that my best traveling buddy Joller moved to Seattle, or maybe it's just the bad anxiety problems I've had the past year. Probably a combination of both, but this year I am hoping to get back out there and do what makes me happy regardless, which is traveling and seeing music.
I am gonna go through some of the releases I'm anticipating this year, and some shows I plan on going to. If any of my friends read this I'll definitely get shit for being a "hipster" talking about "indie" bands, and that's expected. I guess the fact that I have a beard and like flannel shirts fits the bill, but I just wear and listen to what I like. I've had a beard and a few flannels when I listened to metal and screamo music everyday, so I am not sure if it's a completely fair assessment. I try to just like what I like and talk to the people that enjoy it for the pure essence of it, not to try to fit in or be a part of something. Those people would be "marks" in wrestling terms. So hopefully some of you enjoy this.
My Anticipated 2010 Releases:

The New Pornographers - Together (May 4, 2010)
They release nothing but good records and I'm sure that this one will be nothing different. They even have some contributions from Okkervil River's Will Sheff and Beirut's Zach Condon. I can't wait to jam out to some new New P's in May!
2. The National - (Yet to be determined) (sometime May 2010)
These guys are seriously one of the best bands I've listened to in the past 5 years. I remember when a buddy of mine told me to download Alligator my Freshman year of college, definitely wasn't a mistake. Their last LP Boxer though put The National to almost rock star status, but hey well deserved. I have been lucky enough to have seen them back to back nights in 2007 in support of Boxer. One of the best bands I have ever seen live. I am hoping to go on a nice trip to Philly to see them June 5th.
3. Arcade Fire - (Yet to be determined) (sometime this year)
Hoping to finally get to see them perform live this year. They played for free in Cleveland for an Obama rally awhile back, and somehow I didn't find out about it and missed it. Always releasing good music, can't wait for another album.
Albums I've been digging lately:
1. A.A. Bondy - When The Devil's Loose
2. Beach House - Teen Dream
3. Middle East - The Recordings of The Middle East
4. Windmill - Puddle City Racing Lights *the voice is an all or nothing
Okay, I didn't hope on the best albums of 2009 band wagon so I'll list a few of my favorite albums that were released this year (no particular order).
1. Jason Lytle - Yours Truly, The Commuter
I always liked Grandaddy, but this album is so damn good. I could listen to this album all the time.
2. Grand Archives - Keep In Mind Frankenstein
Pitchfork ripped this album, but I am always a huge fan of Mat Brooke's work. My
girlfriend Christine says I'm gay for him haha. This album is definitely darker
than there first one, and it seems to end too quickly, but there are a lot of
standout tracks. I am hoping Mat's next move is to do another Carissa's Wierd
album with Jenn Ghetto back to recording and touring.
3. J.Tillman - Year In The Kingdom
I BEG you to find another album as calming and nice to sleep or relax to hehe.
4. S - Sad Style (10 Year Anniversary re-release)
This album was originally released in 1999 with 12 tracks and was recorded on a 4
track in a bedroom. The 2009 re-issue features 5 additional tracks, and the
original tracks were re-mastered for this release. Jenn Ghetto is certainly not
for everyone. Her lyrics are very depressing, but she has such a raw style and
unique prospective on things that I just admire.
5. A.C. Newman - Get Guilty
Anything done by anyone from the New P's is usually listen worthy, and especially
anything done by A.C. Newman, Dan Bejar, Neko Case, and Kathryn Calder.
6. Neko Case - Middle Cyclone
Not much to say, gotta love that powerful Neko Case voice. This might be her best
solo record ever.
7. Sunset Rubdown - Dragonslayer
I got a chance to see Sunset Rubdown, Wolf Parade, and Handsome Furs, but I have
to say that Sunset Rubdown was by far the most enjoyable live. Something about
that lamp on Spencer Krug's keyboard and those wailing vocals is just great.
Hope anyone who read this appreciated it somewhat. I felt like going on a rant about music, and unleashing some passion. Welcome to my blog!